PinnedUX Writer or Content Designer? Who am I?This article is the second, out of four, that I will be writing. The ideas came up after having a one-on-one conversation with Torrey…Dec 16, 20221Dec 16, 20221
PinnedPublished inSinch BlogThe beginning of my journey at SinchIn this article, I will describe how my first month at Sinch has been so far, my thoughts on working as a UX Writer here, and a…Apr 15, 2021Apr 15, 2021
Front In Vale 2023 reúne comunidade desenvolvedora no Vale do ParaíbaNo primeiro sábado de setembro, 02, centenas de entusiastas da TI se reuniram no Teatro Univap, em São José dos Campos, para prestigiar o…Sep 8, 2023Sep 8, 2023
Published inUX Collective 🇧🇷Estratégia de Conteúdo — como desenvolver uma comunicação mensal cross-teamsAh, a tal da comunicação. A maioria das vezes em que ela surge em nosso dia é acompanhada das palavras: ruído ou falta.Jun 9, 2023Jun 9, 2023
What lies ahead for UX WritingThis article is the first, out of four, that I will be writing. The ideas came up after having a one-on-one conversation with Torrey…Dec 13, 20221Dec 13, 20221
Published inSinch BlogMy first three months working with the UX Global Team at SinchIn September, I had the opportunity to give one step further in my UX career. To contextualize, I have been at Sinch since March, and I…Dec 8, 2021Dec 8, 2021
Published inSinch BlogWhen UX meets strategyHow UX professionals contribute to a better user experienceAug 6, 2021Aug 6, 2021
A Jornada de UX de Jean-Dominique Bauby em O escafandro e a borboletaDurante a semana escrevi bastante sobre conceitos de usabilidade, softwares inclusivos que se adéquam a pessoas portadoras de necessidades…May 5, 20211May 5, 20211
As 3 fases de engajamento do seu ChatbotFala galera, beleza? Willian aqui, UX Writer da Guide121.Dec 17, 20201Dec 17, 20201